New Moon & Full Moon Immersions

monthly aquarian moon temple

Full Moon Immersion - Optimizing our Restorative Self-Care
Instructor:  Anne Christine
Date: Confirmed via Instagram & email 
Time: TBA

Attune & align with the great illuminating cycle of the Full Moon, the introverted time of the Divine Feminine when she is fully reflecting the light of the sun and magnetizing to us what we need to reflect on, release, rest, and restore through honoring our self care as a key priority.

Feel supported with full moon specific restorative Kundalini Yoga, breath work, meditations, Soul Astrology insights for the specifics of the full moon energies, contemplative journal prompts to tap into intuitive clarity regarding your deepest emotional wisdom, Full Moon ritual of release, and renewal.

Join me for as we explore and experience the powerful healing energy of the Full Moon.

Attend LIVE or receive the Replay.

Or Venmo@Anne-Townend-Duffey

New Moon Immersion - Optimizing Our Growth
Instructor: Anne Christine
Date: Confirmed via Instagram & Email
Time: TBA

Attune & align with the dark growth cycle of the New Moon, the extroverted time of the Divine Feminine, when our intentions for expansion are most potent. Feel supported with specific energy corresponding Kundalini Yoga, Soul Astrology insights for the specifics of the New Moons energies, contemplative inquiry journal prompts to encourage clarity & intuitive connection for your powerful New Moon intentions & your next cycle of growth, from New Moon to New Moon called the New Moon Temple.

Join me for as we explore and experience the powerful energy of the New Moon.

Attend LIVE or receive a Replay.

Or Venmo@Anne Townend-Duffey

Blessings from Intuitive Thrive

The buzz...

" Anne is a powerful and masterful teacher and collaborator. I really enjoyed our time together. It is people like Anne that make the world a better place to live in, one person at a time... I am grateful the we were able to collaborate with each other and that I was able to connect with an amazing women....Thank you, Anne! "
Sonja Francis, Soul Astrology Coach